Finished Airing
Shakugan no Shana S
28 min per ep
Oct 23, 2009
Find out what happens when Yuji accidentally triggers a found Treasure Tool while it's pointed at Shana! Then, Yuji teams up with Wilhelmina to stalk their fiery friend—whose secrecy has become unsettling. Finally, in a two-part special, Shana tracks a Denizen's trail by sorting through a Torch's memories for clues. Her sleuth skills reveal a teenage girl's heartwarming last days and a predator with a serious identity crisis! (Source: FUNimation)
Studio: J.C.Staff
Producers: Geneon Universal Entertainment, ASCII Media Works, Showgate,
#1: Reshuffle Due to the effect of Friagne's treasure device, the bodies of Shana and Yuji are swapped. They try to overcome the situation secretly, but... #2: Domicile Recently, Shana has been acting strangely. Worried about her well-being, Yuji and Wilhelmina decide to follow her from the shadows after school one day. What secret could Shana be hiding? #3: Overture (Part I) While hunting for a certain Denizen, Shana steals the existence of a torch named Junko Oogami in order to make her investigation throughout the city easier while also dealing with the family problems left behind by Junko when she was devoured. #4: Overture (Part II) Continuation of episode 3.